ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 158 - 23/02/2010

Published by Children’s Services

Visit Future Lab’s Spark – Igniting Innovation In Education Exhibition

At this year’s ICT in Schools Conference at the John Innes Conference Centre on 24th or 25th March 2010.

SPARK is an exciting new mobile exhibition designed to showcase new and emerging technologies that can support innovative practice in education.

The exhibition brings together a range of technologies from a variety of organisations including Futurelab’s own freely available resources.

It is a hands–on experience supporting practitioners to explore and interact with the technologies and consider how they can be used in the classroom.

SPARK features both current technologies that have been used in the classroom as well as emerging technologies that have the potential to support learning.

Each exhibit is accompanied by further information that illustrates its relevance to education and suggests ways of using it for learning and teaching.

SPARK currently includes the following types of exhibits:

  • Web 2.0 tools
  • Mobile Learning Applications
  • Alternative interfaces
  • Games for Learning
  • Student construction tools

Visit the SPARK exhibition at this year’s ICT in Schools Conference 2010 – World Class ICT for Norfolk Learners.

To learn more about the conference or to book to attend visit the conference website.

Author: Judy Houghton
