ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 162 - 19/04/2010

Published by Children’s Services

ICT Solutions training Services

FREE Training for new secretaries and administration personnel

18 hours training available for newly employed secretaries and administration staff at Norwich PDC and West Norfolk PDC.

Benefits include:

  • Maximising business processes in your MIS
  • Networking opportunities
  • Confidence building
  • Quality training in dedicated training venues
  • Hands on experience in a controlled environment.


School Workforce Training

SUBSIDISED £46.00 (contract) £71.00 (non contract)

School Workforce workshops provide important up to date information for completing the workforce census and the opportunity to work on your own data.

Spaces available on 14th October at Norwich PDC and 20th October at West Norfolk PDC

To reserve a place please visit our website www.eficts.norfolk.gov.uk/training/booking/ or telephone 0845 303 3003 and speak to Training Services who will assist you.

e1  Creating Letters and Merg reports training – spaces still available

This course is designed to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills necessary to create their own reports and letters based on data in the e1 database. It will include:

  • Choosing the appropriate type of report
  • Selecting fields from the database
  • Formatting output
  • Exporting output to Word, Excel and other programs

22nd April 2010



£92 (contract) £141.00 (non contract)


e1 performance for assessment co-ordinators (e1 Norfolk Primary Tracker training)


This course is designed for Assessment co-ordinators or other school leaders who wish to use the e1 Norfolk Primary Tracker to track attainment and progress of pupils across Key stages 1 and 2. This course will cover setting up and using the Norfolk Primary Tracker, including the inputting and analysis of pupil data into mark sheets, making good use of the contextual pupil data already held in e1.


6th May 2010

West NorfolkPDC



23rd June 2010




e1 performance assessments data entry and e1 annual update (roll over) training.

Courses now available to book in May June and July at Norwich PDC and West Norfolk PDC

Please note:

If your school migrated to e1 post September 2009 then you are entitled to one free place on assessment data entry and annual update (roll over) courses.

To reserve a place please visit our website www.eficts.norfolk.gov.uk/training/booking/ or telephone 0845 303 3003 and speak to Training Services who will assist you.

Author: Rachel Hudson

Added value to the ICT Solutions contracts for 2010/11

Just a reminder that ICT Solutions have made the following improvements to contracts for 2010/11:


Silver Plus contracts

  • NEW -  the renewal and purchase of Symantec End Point licences for antivirus, spyware and threat protection

Following a pricing review with Symantec to reflect the volumes of licences we are supporting in the County, from 1st April 2010 ICT Solutions will include the renewal and purchase of new Symantec End Point licences in the Silver Plus contract at no extra cost. This will save schools approx £7 for licences for each PC per year and £5 for licence renewals per year.

This is in addition to the automated version updating service which is part of the Silver Plus contract.

  • NEW –  installation of new equipment and upgrade existing – your Field Support Technician can cover single item installs up to maximum of 1 hour per FST visit*

eg memory upgrades, connecting teacher’s laptop to whiteboards and workgroups, a printer, a curriculum PC, single software installation to single PC. *Terms and conditions apply

  • Extended -  multimedia projector preventative maintenance visits– this has been extended from covering 2 projectors for visits twice per annum to your Field Support Technician covering all projectors in the school


Bronze contracts

o        NEW – Remote support and diagnostics have been added to Bronze contracts.


These areas represent significant improvement to the value of contracts provided by ICT Solutions by using technology and bulk buying power to offer a more effective and efficient service.

Author: Lynn Parvin

Remote Backup for Norfolk Schools

Schools are increasingly relying on computer systems and digital content to teach pupils the curriculum and to assist with school administration.

Without this information and data backed up and protected the consequences of data loss can be massively time consuming and disruptive to schools.

To assist schools with ensuring data is backed up and fully recoverable we are now able to offer you a secure, encrypted and expandable service, whilst at the same time being more cost effective than current backup methods.

For further information please click on the following link:


If you would like further information or a quotation for the service please contact ICT Solutions on 0845 303 3003 and ask for a member of the Contracts Team.

Author: Paul Hurst
