ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 167 - 09/09/2010

Published by Children’s Services

SparkleBox Update

You may be aware that Samuel Kinge, a shareholder and director of the company that owns the website Sparklebox.co.uk, was convicted earlier this year for possession of indecent images of children. He was sentenced to a year in jail, will stay on the Sex Offender's Register for 10 years and will be the subject of a Sexual Offences Protection Order for 15 years - this will prevent him accessing the Internet unless the device he uses is monitored by the Police.

Norfolk Children's Services, along with many other Regional Broadband Consortiums and local authorities, blocked the website due to concerns about some elements of interactivity on the site, the fact that the operators of the site do not have CRB clearance and about the downloadable toolbar which had an unidentified payload. It is worth noting that many users who are trying to uninstall the toolbar are facing some significant difficulties in doing so successfully without causing problems to their systems.
While the situation regarding the owner of the site appears to have been resolved, Norfolk Children's Services remains vigilant and will seek to develop, maintain and disseminate the highest possible standards of eSafety and eSecurity. Some concerns still remain about SparkleBox and so we will continue to block the site until we are convinced that its use presents no threat to systems or users.

This site could offer many resources previously available through Sparklebox http://primaryschoolteaching.co.uk/


Author: ICT Solutions

Network Managers Event

The next Network Managers event will take place at Barnham Broom on 14th October 2010, commencing with lunch at 12.30. Further details and a draft agenda will be sent out to secondary schools shortly and will also be available on the Network Managers Forum.

For further information please contact Shirley Fuller on 01603 638288 or email shirley.fuller@norfolk.gov.uk

Author: Jenny Tallent

Google Mail is replacing RM Easymail

The Google email rollout of staff and pupil accounts commenced on 6th.September to replace the RM Easymail accounts.  

As part of the transition to Google Mail no new RM Easymail accounts will be set up for this term. 

ICT Solutions have set up 37,000 accounts for those schools in Week 1 of the Google rollout.  From ‘day 1’ schools and students have started using the new Google accounts.

ICT Solutions has provision for all new staff and new students to have a Google account as well as all existing RM Easymail users. Please check http://www.eficts.norfolk.gov.uk/Email/Google/default.aspx for further information including the rollout plan. This also covers the process on how to obtain Google accounts for new staff and pupils if you require them before the rest of the school is rolled out on Google.

This is an exciting development and we hope your school soon begins to enjoy the benefits of using Google Mail.

Author: Kerry Henry

Fronter News: Applying staff and student templates

As part of the new academic year, school fronter administrators will need to re-apply the staff and student templates.  As new staff and students will have come online and been imported to the Fronter VLE applying the templates will ensure these staff and students have the correct tool bar, stylesheet and today page.  A guide for carrying out this task is available in the fronter admin training room; see the link in that room entitled “Making User Templates and Imposing Them on Groups of Contacts”.

Author: Paul Hurst

Fronter Integration after School MIS roll over

We would like to make all school fronter administrators aware that they will need to switch on the MIS integration once your school roll over has been completed.  But before doing so please ensure you have read the fronter start of year guide.  The guide explains the preparation within fronter the school needs to make before and after the school MIS has been rolled over.

The Start of Year Guide is available here:  http://frontersupport.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=93&Itemid=11⟨=en

Note: If your school is part of the OWN partnership please ignore this task.

Author: Paul Hurst

Norfolk ID Password Change Facility

There is now a web based password change facility that school staff and pupils can utilise to change the passwords associated with their Norfolk ID's. This facility will change a persons password for all services linked via Single Sign On (UK Federation) or SIF (Google Email and Fronter).

The URL to access is: https://password.nsix.org.uk/

This is not a way to recover forgotten details, the password reset function is retained by the ICT Solutions service desk.

Author: Paul Hurst
