ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 204 - 06/07/2012

Published by ICT Shared Services

Internet filtering update

You’ve told us that the current internet filtering model no longer supports the level of flexibility that you require in schools and we’ve consulted with a number of schools to understand your requirements.


ICT Shared Services working with BT have considered two solutions to provide a filtering service that meets schools’ requirements. This week we have looked at the proposed offerings from BT and have now asked BT to formally propose one solution within the context of the managed service for our consideration.


At this point we will decide whether to


  • set up a project to move to the new service




  • remain with the existing filtering service to the end of the current contract


This will include consideration of the impact on schools of changing the service versus functionality and cost.


We hope to make a decision before the end of term.

Author: Lynn Parvin
