ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 213 - 19/12/2012

Published by ICT Shared Services

Schools Smoothwall Internet Filtering Update 19th December 2012

Further to our previous announcement on the decision to replace the current filtering solution included in the Norfolk Schools Broadband contract with Smoothwall filtering solution, we are pleased to advise that work is progressing with BT and Smoothwall to develop the project for implementing Smoothwall.

Smoothwall offers the same options for filtering as the current solution with managed filtering profiles but offers a more flexible, granular solution for schools that wish to have more local control over filtering in the school. Smoothwall have provided the following diagram to illustrate the different options that will be available for schools:

Levels of control with Smoothwall filtering systems are best defined on a scale of low to high control, as follows:



We are holding the first joint project management meeting in early January for Smoothwall to present their proposed implementation plan. They plan to install the new central filtering services in County Hall in January.

After the project meeting we will update you on the implementation dates and more information on the options and costs associated. For instance the Swurl option is included in the Broadband contract but there could be a one-off training fee for Swurl administrators.

The Local On- Site Device option – schools pay for the cost of the on-site device and training but not the licences. Schools with existing filtering solution that is not Smoothwall can procure a local appliance prior to the central provision being installed.  An initial training date will be scheduled to ensure training is provided.

We will update you further after the January workshop.

Author: Lynn Parvin
