School ICT News Bulletin No. 215 - 30/01/2013
Published by ICT Shared Services
Changes on Filtering for Norfolk NSIX Gmail Accounts
Key message:
While filtering is important, educating pupils in how to use online systems responsibly is at the heart of keeping pupils in Norfolk safe.
All schools should have ongoing e-safety awareness built into their curriculum. This guidance has been put together by the Children’s Services e–Safety group.
The current filtering system used for the County NSIX Gmail accounts is held centrally by ICT Shared Services.
How the current system works:
Any email that triggers the banned word list will get through to the recipient, but a copy will also be sent to a central mailbox held by ICT Shared Services. Any email held in this central mailbox can then be requested by the school, if required. The emails sent to the mailbox held by ICT Shared Services are not monitored. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure the safe use of the NSIX Google accounts and to have clear guidance and policies in place.
Changes to the system:
Each school will be allocated an e–Safety Filtering system login
This login will hold any staff or student emails related to school accounts that trigger the banned word list and any emails identified as spam.
It will be the responsibility of the school to check and manage this account (such as deleting spam or checking emails that trigger the banned word list)
All requests for words to be added or removed from the banned word list should be carried out by contacting ICT Shared Services. Please note that any word added or removed will affect all Norfolk schools, so approval may be sought by a representative of the e–Safety group before approval.
NB: The banned word list covers several categories of words, and any word can be added to the libraries.
N.B – Google are making some changes later in 2013 so this process may alter as a consequence, but we will keep you fully informed of developments.
The account details for the Filtering Account should be held by a senior member of staff, or staff designated with this responsibility.
The account needs to be checked routinely – this needs to be agreed on a school by school basis, but it is recommended good practice for it to be accessed on a minimum of a weekly basis.
There should be a clear reporting process in place, as part of reporting a concern, for the person checking the Filtering Account (refer to the e–safety toolkit : .)
There needs to be at least one other holder of the account details to ensure that the account can be checked if the main account holder is absent.
To activate your account:
To enable ICT Shared Services to release your account details to you, please can you provide the Name, Position, Contact number and Google email account details of the designated contact point within your school.
A google form has been created for this information to be collated. If you have any problems with the form, please email with the required information.
(You will need to log in with your Google email address to complete the form)
Author: Tanya Allen
Pearson’s KnowledgeBox on CachePilots
Pearson have, from December 2012, removed all support for KnowledgeBox content that some schools access from their CachePilots.
Those schools renewing their annual contracts with Pearson need to ensure that these are for access to the cloud hosted version, not the local version. There is no longer an option to activate the content on a CachePilot or other local server again if the device fails.
Author: Paul Woolley
Support Events and Courses
Smoothwall Internet filtering and e-safety workshop for Primary and Special schools
Thursday 14th February at Barnham Broom Conference Centre
This workshop is to understand more about the functionality of the Smoothwall Internet filtering options which will be available for all schools on Norfolk Schools Broadband from April 2013. The aim is to help your school decide whether you would like to use Swurl , the online portal for you to have greater control over your filtering or a local on-site server solution for your school. Jill Duman, ICT Adviser will also provide an e-safety session and we will also cover an update on the Norfolk Cloud Portal.
To book on this event please go to the booking page on our website.
More information about the Smoothwall Internet Filtering project is available here
Norfolk ICT Network Managers Workshop
Thursday 14th February 2013 at the Kimberley Suite, Barnham Broom Conference Centre
This half day event is scheduled to start at 12.30pm when a buffet lunch will be provided, and will finish at approximately 4.30pm. The agenda will cover a more technical approach to Smoothwall filtering as well as an e-safety update from Jill Duman, ICT Adviser.
In addition we will be covering some technical and service updates particularly aimed at Network Managers.
For further information or queries please contact Jenny Tallent by email at or by ringing 01603 638275.
Dates for your diary
Norfolk ICT Conference
14th March 2013 at John Innes Centre
The Norfolk Advisory Service will be hosting the above conference again this year. More information about the event and booking details will be updated shortly.
We will also update you on the surgeries and workshops that ICT Shared Services will be offering at the event.
E2BN 2013 Conference
25th June to 26th June
Location: Wyboston Lakes
Audience: Everyone involved in Education
More details to follow.
Author: Lynn Parvin