ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 224 - 24/07/2013

Published by ICT Shared Services

Norfolk Schools Broadband Service update – 23rd July 2013

In MI sheet 181/13 we advised you of the improved ICT services for schools by delivering changes to internet infrastructure and bandwidth performance for Norfolk schools and academies.  The joint project team from ICT Shared Services and BT based in County Hall are progressing well with the detailed plans to implement the changes.


We hoped to advise individual schools about the changes for your school with an estimated timescale before the end of term but the complexities of the technical data meant that it is not simple to achieve this quickly and accurately. We will be working to produce a web site for you to view your school’s information for the start of the autumn term; this will be updated as the project progresses.


Site surveys have commenced to collect data about your school's network cabinet capacity for the changes. Where access is possible over the summer holidays we will continue this work.

Created on: 23/07/2013 08:37:07
