ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 254 - 17/07/2015

Published by ICT Shared Services

July eBulletin Update

Norfolk Schools Broadband procurement project update

The procurement process for a new contract for Broadband services for schools is on track within the published timeline and progressing well.

Five bidders submitted responses for the Pre-qualification Questionnaire stage of the process. This stage mainly assesses the suitability of suppliers to go to the next stage based on their experience and financial standing of delivering similar scale contracts to similar customers.

At this stage we are unable to name the bidders due to the commercial sensitivity of the process.

Next Steps

The next step will be to shortlist to 3 bidders by 4th September.

We will then dialogue with the 3 bidders to development the optimum solution. During this process we will have the opportunity to discuss elements of the solution with users and to invite feedback.

Schools Involvement

In the meantime we have been discussing the procurement with as many schools and user groups as possible. Then In September we will publish a progress update and describe the engagement plan in more detail.

More information about the procurement process and the key success criteria are available here

Author: ICT Shared Services
