ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 286 - 12/03/2020

Published by ICT Solutions

eBulletin Items

  1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Working remotely using Google and Microsoft
  2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Notice - Possible impacts to our support arrangements

1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Working remotely using Google and Microsoft

With the spread of COVID-19 increasing, more people will self-isolate or if the government imposes restrictions to travel restrictions or gatherings, it will limit the way we work face to face and essentially this will mean more people will look to work remotely.


Google and Microsoft have both released statements regarding their products and what is available to support education during this period, both offering their collaboration tools for free, although these may already be available to you as part of your ICT Solutions support.


If you have NSIX @nsix.org.uk accounts:

You will have access to Google Hangouts to enable video conferencing between remote locations and schedule video meetings, as well as G-Suite for Education applications such as Classroom to create assignments and communicate with students or collaborate on Google Docs or share files on Google Drive.

*Please note Hangouts is current switched off as default. If you wish to have this enabled, please can we have an email from the head/principal authorising us to do so. The email address to send this to is - ict@norfolk.gov.uk   


If you have “Generic” @schoolname.norfolk.sch.uk account:

You can access Microsoft Teams via office.com and using your generic email account (e.g. head@schoolname.norfolk.sch.uk) and password and then you’ll be able to schedule and host video meetings. You will also have access to other Office 365 online applications and collaborate with others who have a “generic” email address at your school.


If you have your own Microsoft Tenant (Office 365):

As per the above with the “Generic” email but you will, more than likely, have all staff and maybe students set up with an O365 A1 licence. This will allow chat, online video meetings, sharing of documents, storage of documents via Microsoft Teams and access to all of the Office 365 online applications. If you do not have your own tenant, contact ICT Solutions to discuss the benefits of this.


In both scenarios, if you are thinking of using this with pupils you may wish to consider gaining parental consent first.


Google COVID-19 Edu Blog

Google – First Day of Classroom learning resources

Microsoft COVID-19 Blog

Microsoft – Teams “How-To”

Microsoft – Working Remotely


Please contact ICT Solutions if have any questions regarding remote working using Google or Microsoft’s offerings.

2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Coronavirus Notice - Possible impacts to our support arrangements

Based on the UK Government assessment of COVID-19 ICT Solutions will be following the guidance set out by Public Health England. 


Customers who have regular on-site visits will be reviewed regularly against the latest government advice. In circumstances where our support is impacted due to staff sickness/premises being closed, or public transport suspended, we will still provide remote support to your site to ensure you stay operational/protected. In the event of this happening, we will issue more information on how to contact us. 


If your establishment has been impacted by COVID-19 please do make us aware ASAP.


For more information please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 / 0845 303 3003 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk



