ICT Services 4 Education


School ICT News Bulletin No. 297 - 10/02/2022

Published by ICT Solutions

eBulletin Items

  1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: NCSC cyber security training package available
  2. SMART technologies - Little and often webinars during March and April
  3. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Powering off core network equipment over the half-term period
  4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Service Desk opening hours over the half-term holiday period
  5. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Changes to Google Workspace applications search - March 29th 2022
  6. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Phishing/Scam emails - please remain vigilant

1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: NCSC cyber security training package available

If you are planning on holding any training days in the near future or wish to promote to your staff, this is a reminder that the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) have made a free cyber security training package available and it can be accessed here


With cyber security threats faced by Educational establishments on the increase, this will help raise staff awareness and help deal with such threats.


For more information, please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk 

2. SMART technologies - Little and often webinars during March and April

The below may be of interest to those schools/academies who use SMART interactive products.


We have been notified that SMART’s Professional Development Specialist and former teacher, Mark Hartwright, will be holding 20 minute sessions, every 2 weeks, to show staff how to get more out of your interactive technology.


For more details and how to register, please visit the link here


3. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Powering off core network equipment over the half-term period

We would like to ask schools to refrain from turning off the power to the core networking equipment over the forthcoming half-term holiday period. Core networking equipment includes routers, switches and servers, often in a wall or floor cabinet. These devices are monitored by ourselves and Updata and turning off the power results in false alarms. This could potentially result in your school incurring a charge for an engineer visit.


Services Affected:                           Internet, email and any service accessed via the internet


Services Not Affected:                    All other school systems which do not access the internet


When:                                               11th February 2022 - 20th February 2022


What You Need To Do:

If there is no alternative to powering off the communications cabinet and core equipment then please contact the Service Desk to advise us in advance


For More Information:

Please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk

4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Service Desk opening hours over the half-term holiday period

To reflect the reduced demand on the Service Desk over the forthcoming half-term holiday period, we will be changing the hours of the Service Desk accordingly.


From February 14th - 18th, the hours will be as follows -


08:30 to 16:00. 


Normal opening hours of 08:00 to 16:30 will resume on Monday, February 21st.


For more information please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk

5. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Changes to Google Workspace applications search - March 29th 2022

Please note: The following only applies to staff members


We have received notification that Google are introducing changes to the Google Workspace apps search experience.


A new end user setting on the ‘My Activity page called Google Workspace search history will be implemented. This means end users will be able to control the storage of their core Google Workspace services search history data after March 29th, 2022.


To get to My Activity, within your Google account go to - Data and Privacy > History > My Activity


Users who have Google Workspace search history enabled and perform searches in Google Workspace apps like Gmail and Drive - will see their search history shown as suggestions before or as they type their searches in these products. These apps will show a message letting users know that search history is enabled.


In addition to the new Google Workspace search history setting, the end user Web & App Activity setting will continue to exist. However, Web & App Activity will control storage of search data from Additional Google services only and will remain disabled by default for new users.


Important details about the new search history setting


  • The new Google Workspace search history setting will be on by default but all users will have the option to turn it off.
  • Users will be able to control how long their Google Workspace search history is stored.
  • Users will have any existing data retention settings in Web & App Activity applied to Google Workspace search history. The default time period for the data retention setting is 18 months.


Users with Google Workspace search history enabled will also be able to see and delete their search data, and to opt out of collecting this data altogether.


Note: Google Workspace does not use Customer Data for advertising purposes.



For more information, please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk


6. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Phishing/Scam emails - please remain vigilant

As the end of the financial year approaches, we are seeing the level of phishing/scam emails increase, with items such as tax ‘refunds’, invoices urgently needing to be paid etc. Please can we remind people to remain especially vigilant and not click any links or divulge passwords etc.


A guide to help staff can be found here


For more information, please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk 

