ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 111 - 24/05/2007

Published by Children’s Services

Planned Maintenance over Half Term

The schools broadband network may be unavailable for short periods of time as new hardware is installed over the half term week. These periods should only be a few minutes in length. Schools experiencing problems viewing pages are asked to wait a few minutes and try again. This work will affect Wednesday 30th May, Thursday 31st May and Friday 1st June.

Author: Jason Zelos

e1 Assessments Packages

New functionality for Key Stages in e1

New functionality in Assessment Packages means that you can now import pre-defined Key Stage definitions’ and Marksheets at the click of a button.

Supporting documentation, "e1 Helpsheets: Assessment Packages" Is available from our web-site at http://www.eficts.norfolk.gov.uk, click on the A to Z and look under e1.

If you would prefer to import Key Stage definitions’ manually, please contact the Service Desk on 0845 303 3003

Author: Jason Zelos

For e1 Marksheets Users

The problem regarding loss of Comments on Marksheets is regrettably still an issue and Pearson Phoenix is working hard to rectify this. In the meantime, we advise that you use the option of Comment Entry Single/multiple from the left side bar, instead of entering comments through Marksheets.

Help is available from our Service Desk on 0845 303 3003.

Worksheets can be downloaded from the ICT web-site at e1 Notices

We will continue to update you with news of progress.

Author: Jason Zelos

WiFi Safety Statement

A statement on the use of WiFi within Norfolk County Council is available on our website.

The Information Systems & Technology Policy Committee of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services has released a document which provides some additional information and guidance. This document is available from their website under http://www.adcs.org.uk/Committees/Information_Systems_Technology.htm

A statement from BECTA on the use of WiFi is available at http://news.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=33517

Author: Mark Carway

Exclusion notifications.

M.I sheet 17/07 alerted you to our plan to introduce electronic transfer of exclusion notifications as an alternative to sending in a paper copy to the exclusion team. Unfortunately we have had to delay this to ensure that technical issues have been resolved. A M.I sheet will be sent out as soon as we are ready to launch this new system. In the meantime paper copies will continue to be required.

On Behalf of Alan Turner, Pupil Attendance and exclusions

Author: Mark Carway
