ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 113 - 20/07/2007

Published by Children’s Services

Powering core networking equipment over the summer holidays

We would like to ask schools to refrain from turning off the power to the core networking equipment over the summer holidays. Core networking equipment includes routers, switches and cache servers, often in a wall or floor cabinet. These devices are monitored by ICT solutions and BT and turning off the power results in false alarms. This could result in your school incurring a charge for an engineer visit.

Author: Jason Zelos

Training in 2007/2008

Courses available in the Autumn term are on our website and detailed in the ICT solutions training brochure, which is available here. Bookings can be made via the web site under c for courses or by contacting the friendly, helpful training team on 0845 303 3003.

We will also be updating our web based course booking system to provide a much more comprehensive booking service to our customers. This should be available from September 2007 onwards.

Author: Glenn Carter

Website caching - www.historyonthenet.com

ICT Solutions have been contacted by the website administrators for http://www.historyonthenet.com who have advised us that some schools may be pre-caching this entire website. It has been requested that any schools remove the reference to this website from their list of sites to pre-cache on the local school caching server.

Author: Mark Carway
