ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 127 - 10/06/2008

Published by Children’s Services

Generic Email Migration to Microsoft Exchange 2007

The new service is still in currently in a pilot phase and the proposed migration schedule is currently being revised.

The migration will NOT involve the transfer of any email messages or online address books. Therefore, you need to ensure you backup any relevant items you wish to keep before the migration date.

A school information pack is available advising of any actions you need to take.

Proposed migration schedule.

Author: Mark Carway

Self Review Framework – On–line Tool

Becta will be releasing a new improved version of the self–review framework online tool from 5pm to 11pm on the 19 June. We have designed it with significant input from prospective users. It is now much more intuitive and easier to use.

The self–review framework and the data already entered remains the same, the changes have been made to the way school access, and come to a judgment about their level on the framework.

Schools registered on the tools will get a message from Becta on June 4th. The key message is that we have not changed the framework, just the way schools will interact with it.

What will this mean for schools?

We will move all existing accounts marked as ‘wholeschool’ into the new tool. We will not move additional account holders at the same school. They will need to register on the new tool. The lead account holder at the school must then approve them.

The tool will prompt newly moved users to review their details when they first login. It will prompt them to review and change their email address. The tool will then use this address as their username for future logins and for recovering passwords.

In the new tool we have broken down all of the existing level descriptions into a set of indicators. However, schools can still see all of the original level descriptions in a box on the top right of the screen.

What do schools need to do?

Before we move any existing accounts schools must check that the account they have marked as ‘wholeschool’ is the correct one. If it is incorrect, please ask them to contact our service desk by visiting http://matrix.becta.org.uk/selfreview logging in and checking the top right of the screen. Alternatively they can contact the Service Desk on 0845 053 5534 or by email at matrix.support@becta.org.uk

If you have any further questions or are interested in being involved in the beta testing of the new tool please contact myself, or contact the support team at selfreview@becta.org.uk or the SRF Service Desk on 0845 053 5534

Author: Amanda Carr


16 JUNE 2008

Further to the last issue of eBulletin, I would like to remind secondary schools Network Managers to attend the next workshop on Monday 16 June, 2008. The Workshop is to be held at Aldiss Park, Dereham Town Football Club, Norwich Road, Dereham, starting with a buffet lunch at 12.30 hours and finishing at 16.00 hours.

Essentially, the Workshop will consider the following topics:

  • 21CN – Next Generation Infrastructure and new process for Managed Service – BT
  • Network Managers Forum
  • Learning Platform Update
  • Remote Backup
  • Future Developments

We believe that you will find the BT presentation regarding their process for managing their broadband services and the presentation on future developments to be most interesting and useful so if you wish to attend the event please return a completed booking form by Wednesday, 11 June, 2008 by fax to 01603 475624. Spaces are filling up quickly!

If you require any further information or if your school wishes to discuss or present an alternative topic at the workshop please indicate on the attached booking form or contact Alun Jones either by email alun.jones@norfolk.gov.uk or on 01603 475627.

Author: Amanda Carr

e1 – School Workshops.

At the last Norfolk e1 User Group Meeting, it was agreed that there would be great benefit in holding some local support meetings for schools. The aim of these meetings is to gather feedback on the experiences of Admin staff using e1, and to provide Admin staff the opportunity to meet with support staff from both ICT Solutions and Pearson.

All Primary schools who went live before 5 June have been invited to send their main e1 user to the workshop.

If you have not received your invite please contact michael.bettell@norfolk.gov.uk

Author: Amanda Carr

RSS Feeds

ICT Solutions provides RSS feeds covering Financial and ICT Services News, Phoenix Gold and e1. RSS is a simple way of keeping yourself up to date with our latest news, without having to frequently check the Financial Services and ICT Solutions Website. RSS is quick and easy to set up, so why not give it a try? Check out our guide to RSS.

Author: Amanda Carr

e1 National User Group Meeting and Customer Satisfaction Survey

Schools currently on e1 will have received an invite to attend the forthcoming e1 Summer term User Group Meeting (UGM) at the Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre in Milton Keynes on Thursday 26th June. Attached to the invite is a Customer Satisfaction Survey. If you fill this in please remember that when rating the Customer Support Website ( Q12, Q16 to Q19 ) these questions relate to Pearson Phoenix website and not ICT Solutions website. Similarly, Q14 refers to the support service desk which is at Pearson Phoenix and not ICT Solutions and Q29–33 relate to National e1 User Group Meetings and not ones held by Norfolk.

Author: Amanda Carr

e1 – Marksheets

Pearson Phoenix have identified a possible issue with results not being saved when marksheets are submitted. If you experience any loss of results then please log a call detailing the date, time and name of the marksheet you were using at the time so that Pearson can retrieve the data. Any incident will be treated with the utmost urgency.

Pearson Phoenix have advised that urgent maintenance will be carried out this evening (Tuesday 10th June). In the meantime, please refrain from using any marksheets in e1. Further information will be provided as we receive it.

Pearson Phoenix apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Author: Amanda Carr

ICT Solutions Training Suite Closure

From the 1st June 2008 the ICT Solutions training programme will be delivered at Norwich Professional Development Centre on Woodside Road, Norwich and Poultec – South Green Park Enterprise Centre in Mattishall, following the closure of the training suite at Heartsease. Facilities at the PDC have been upgraded to enable more ICT training availability at the centre.

View further details of training venues and training courses.

We are working with the Advisory Service to upgrade the ICT training facilities to enable more course availability to be scheduled in the west of the County from September 2008.

Author: Amanda Carr
