ICT Services 4 Education


SCHOOL ICT NEWS BULLETIN No 138 - 09/12/2008

Published by Children’s Services

ICT in Schools Conference 2009 'The Role of ICT in Delivering Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges'

Next year's ICT conference will be held on the 11th and 12th March 2009 at the John Innes Conference Centre. The central theme of the conference will be based upon BECTA's Harnessing Technology Next Generation Learning 2008 – 14 which launches the next phase of the ICT strategy for schools.

National keynote speakers, suppliers, smaller breakout presentations and one to one surgeries offering the opportunity to 'ask the expert' will demonstrate innovative use of ICT.

More information concerning the conference will be made available to schools shortly. In the mean time please secure in your diary either the 11th or 12th March 2009 to attend.

If you require any further information concerning the conference at this stage please do not hesitate to contact Judy Houghton on either ICT Solutions Service Desk on 0845 3033003 or by email on judy.houghton@norfolk.gov.uk

Author: Judy Houghton

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Who does it affect?

Those involved in manufacturing, selling, distributing, recycling, or treating electrical and electronic equipment. This includes:

  • Household Appliances
  • IT & Telecommunications equipment
  • Audiovisual and lighting equipment
  • Toy's, leisure and sports equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Automatic dispensers

The WEEE Directive aims to:

  • Reduce waste arising from electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)
  • Make producers of EEE responsible for the environmental impact of their products, especially when they become waste
  • Encourage separate collection and subsequent treatment, reuse, recovery, recycling and sound environmental disposal of EEE
  • Improve the environmental performance of all those involved during the lifecycle of EEE
ICT Solutions current situation

We are currently working with various accredited recycling companies to establish the best way for Norfolk Schools to recycle their WEEE waste.

At present we are able to make arrangements for your equipment to be recycled although this is on an ad hoc basis depending on the quantity of machines and location of your school.


Some companies have indicated that there will be charges involved for Recycling equipment, these charges will be made clear to you by the Contracts Team. These charges will vary from school to school dependant on the quantity of machines and location of your school.


You will need to register as a hazardous waste producer before we can dispose of your equipment. These regulations were put in place in January 2007. For an online registration it will cost £18.00 and a credit or debit card will be required. A paper version is also available for cheque or BACS payment but this will cost £28.00. Please see the following link for more information: http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/topics/waste/32084.aspx

Author: Laura Gurney
