ICT Services 4 Education

ICT Solutions News Desk

Reminder for sites using Groupcall xporter

Posted on 14/07/2024 12:46:42

** The below only applies to schools/academies using Groupcall xporter (typically installed on the server) and will be used for attendance data and NSIX account creations/modifications **


Groupcall continually monitor the data feed connection between your site's MIS and their central servers.


With the Summer break approaching we would like to advise that if you are looking to undertake any maintenance work on your network that might impact the connectivity between your MIS database and their central servers could you please inform us before the Summer holiday period. Such maintenance work might include:


  • Changing Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Upgrading or replacing your existing server
  • Changing MIS provider


For more information, please contact the Service Desk on 01603 475603 or ict@norfolk.gov.uk
