ICT Services 4 Education

ICT Solutions News Desk

Microsoft academic pricing emails

Posted on 24/03/2025 19:38:49

We are aware that some schools/academies have been receiving emails, like the one shown below.


Subject: You’re no longer eligible for academic pricing


You’re no longer eligible for academic pricing on Microsoft subscriptions


Because ___________ is no longer a Microsoft Qualified Academic Institution, you’re no longer eligible for academic prices. As a result, your current academic subscriptions will expire at the end of the subscription period and you won’t be able to renew them at academic prices.


To continue using your products, buy new subscriptions at regular pricing in the Microsoft 365 admin portal.


If you have received such an email and ICT Solutions are your Microsoft license provider, please inform us at ict@norfolk.gov.uk so we can investigate the issue on your behalf. 

