ICT Services 4 Education

Firewall Changes/Requests to Open Ports 


If a school is requesting to open a port(s) on the firewall to enable access to a particular service a request has to be made by the head teacher/principal, in writing, from their relevant educational email address. When submitting the request, the following information will be required:

  • Source IP address or address ranges
  • Destination protocol i.e. TCP, UDP
  • Destination Port(s) needing to be opened
  • Destination IP address or address ranges
  • Any documentation/links provided by third parties

Once received, the information will be passed to the relevant team for analysis and, unless the request is deemed as a potential security threat to the network, a firewall change request will be submitted to the broadband provider to allow access. This generally will be completed within 2 working days of the request being submitted to them.
