Unable to access network resource (such as shared folders, printer, cloud services etc.)
Have you entered the correct username/password and address?
Is this the first time you've accessed the resource? If yes, you may need to speak to your ICT Co-ordinator/Technician to ensure you have the correct access rights
Check your network cable is connected to the PC you are working on and also connected to a network point on the wall. If it is, check there is a connection light where it is connected into the PC
Is the network cable in working condition? Try swapping with a known working cable
Is the network point on the wall active? If you are able to plug into another socket nearby, try it
Is the server turned on? If the server isn't on then there won't be any access to files or printers
Is the network cabinet powered? Ensure the lights on the network switches (typically made by HP) are lit up
Are the lights on the network switches flashing very rapidly in synchronicity? If they are, you could have a loop in the network

For those sites who use a server
Is the server switched on? If the server isn't on then there won't be any access to files or printers
For those sites who use cloud services i.e. Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive
Is the school Internet connection working OK? Are you able to access other Internet resources? Please check with a colleague as they may also see the same problem. While rare, cloud services are not immune from outages, if you otherwise have Internet access, https://www.google.com/appsstatus/dashboard/ for Google Workspace users, and https://status.cloud.microsoft/ for Microsoft 365 users.
The rules which apply may be different if you’re working from another site; you may need to carry out two factor authentication, for example, before you can access OneDrive from off site.
Are you using the correct account? Some sites have some users setup with a generic account like office@schoolname.norfolk.sch.uk and a personal account like firstlasname@schoolname.norfolk.sch.uk so in the event of a file(s) appears to be missing, it’s worth checking the other account.
If you've followed the above steps and you're still unable to access the network resource, please contact ICT Solutions for further advice